Film trailers
Trailers to films are created to "Hook" an audience's attention trailers therefore can be distinguished by heavy editing to excite the audience, the clip is usually edited to fit a sequence of music to aid a more intense climax, the editing will usually conclude of the movies most significant scenes in order to satisfy the viewer (Gratifications theory) this is done through a montage . As the trailer is intending to represent the film to the market it will show a basic outline of the plot, simply to allow the viewer to conclude if the film will be their "taste" or not. The most iconic give away of a trailer is the abundant use of "Fade to black's".
Film openings
On the other hand and Film openings are created to: Give an induction of where the film is set (location), show gratitude to those who contributed to the more significant roles of the films through the use of titles, to introduce the main character, give an indication of the historical period, to give information regarding the films mood a tone , and usually to introduce a theme tune. In doing this their is usually a great use of establishing shots. Due to the opening only having to indicate these themes chronological order can be used but is not necessary, the film opening doesn't even need to be part of the films storyline so long as it achieves the themes listed above.
Film Trailer
Film Opening
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