Tuesday 15 April 2014

Research into Genre

Research into GenreThe genre me and my group have chosen is a crime drama.

Every Genre is made to portray different emotions and feeling to the desired audience, to portray said emotions theise genres use certain signifiers (significant cliché  within the genre that blatantly give it away to the desired audience. I therefore researched the signifiers of my genre as I wish to create and perfect a media piece of my own. (opening).

-Clear Dark filtering: as shown in the Crime Drama Trainspotting

-Capturing all emotions (eg use of comedy): as shown in the Crime Drama Wolf Of Wall Street

-Changes in dynamic to characters As shown in the Crime Drama series "breaking bad, as we see the main character Walter white drastically change in 5 series as he "brakes bad".

-Lack of action (usually) as shown in the series My Mad Fat Diary, as their is no real action throughout just realistic theme of life

-A dominant theme of Seriousness as shown in Sin City 2


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